Tạo Usb boot từ file ISO bằng câu lệnh dd

Now a day’s most of us didn’t use CD or DVD drivers to burn & install OS, then what is the other option ? USB or Memory Card Which is very handy and good option to create bootable ISO image. Lot of applications is available in Linux to Create a bootable USB drive from an ISO image but we can make it easily using dd command without headache. dd stands for Data Duplicator which is used to convert and copy a file block by block from one device to another device.

Kết quả hình ảnh cho ubuntu boot

1) Install isohybrid tool

Install syslinux package which contain isohybrid tool. It used to convert ISO image into USB drive compatible format.
[For CentOS/RHEL/Fedora]
# [yum|dnf] install syslinux

[For Debian/Mint/Ubuntu]
$ apt-get install syslinux

[For suse/openSUSE]
# zypper install syslinux

[For ArchLinux/Manjaro]
$ sudo pacman -S syslinux

[For Majeia]
$ sudo urpmi syslinux
Convert ISO image into USB drive compatible format.
# isohybrid /path/to/image.iso
First, we need to identify the USB device name by firing fdisk -l command on terminal before perform dd command. In my case our USB device name is /dev/sdb1
[Check Your USB Device Name]
$ sudo fdisk –l
/dev/sdb1        15G  3.2G   12G  22% /media/daygeek/UUI

2) Create bootable ISO

Use dd command to write the ISO image into the disk. No need to format the USB Device, while using dd command it will automatically overwrite with new content.
[Use dd to write the ISO image to the disk]
$ sudo dd if=/path/to/image.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M && sync
377+1 records in
377+1 records out
1581383680 bytes (1.6 GB) copied, 62.0783 s, 25.5 MB/s
dd: command
if: input file (Mention the location of ISO image file)
of: output file (where to write the ISO file, USB device location)
bs: read and write up to BYTES bytes at a time
sync: pad every input block with NULs to ibs-size

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